Friday, August 8, 2008

Saigon and onwards

After dragging ourselves away from Jungle Beach after 61 fantastic days, we boarded another train to Saigon.

Gai with Seamus' sand turtle

Saigon is like Hanoi on all sorts of stimulants. Bigger, louder, slightly more bonkers. The people are almost invariably friendly and even the incessant hawkers have a grin for everyone. After a couple of days of hotel-hopping and a good dose of CNN we felt almost ready to face the world.

Our plan for Saigon was to gradually get back up to speed with the real world, eat some fancy food, visit Sheridan's for a bit of pub grub and plan our escape to Cambodia. Buses to Phnom Penh and Siem depart every day, we just have to steel ourselves against the prospect of 12 hours on a bus on Vietnamese and Cambodian roads. Might take a day or two to build up the nerve

In other news, we got a tip to use to look into making the SE Asia-Australia trip on a private boat. A quick registration and search later and we sent off a half dozen emails to boats that might be suitable for us as unskilled but enthusiastic sailors. A couple of days later and an English/Aussie captain gets back to me about a trip from Bali to Dili then onwards to Darwin and Byron Bay, PERFECT! Hopefully this will pan out and we will make it to East Timor in time to meet them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I thought cancer was bad but it is as nothing compared to my envy of you two. You seem to be doing the difficult bits in good humour and still talking to one another so that’s good!
Time flies by here and it’s November here already… no wait.. it’s August, it only FEELS like November. I do resent that you are contributing so little to Global Warming on this trip. Please don’t be so selfish and think of others rather than yourself:- WE NEED GLOBAL WARMING here in Ireland or we’ll drown in the rain if we don’t freeze at night!
Love to both of you
Geraldine (AKA Aunty, AKA .. other names which I don’t want to know about!)